A Journey To Remember

Monday, September 22, 2008

Play Time at the Park

just some fun at the park on a beautifuly day!!


Angela said...

Ok that slide looks intimidating to me. I'm such a chicken. Hard to believe Micalya is almost 5!!

The Jordon Family said...

Girl you wouldn't catch me going up it, or down it for that matter :) Micayla wanted me to chase her up it.. don't think so baby! Yes it is hard to believe she's almost 5, I get sad thinking about how fast time went by.. I would LOVE for her to still be a baby.. Gotta let her grow I guess.

April, Steve & Lowery said...

I totally agree about the slide. Lowery loves to go to that park and I hold my breath every time she wants to go down that thing. We are in prime park weather, I'm glad you guys had fun. Next time you better call us!

The Jordon Family said...

You got it !!