A Journey To Remember

Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Two Face and Super Girl are off to stir up some trouble and save the world all at once!!


Angela said...

How cute!! They are adorable.

Yes, Erin and I made the outfits. We collaborated a little. The only bad thing is when I pulled off Jeb's eye black, it pulled off a little skin. I felt awful!!!

Zach and Erin Kennedy said...

Cute cute cute!!! Catherine would have loved that costume. Originally they all wanted to be batman or super man. Including Catherine and Sophie!
Looks like ya'll had a fun night.

Sarah Ward said...

What little cuties you have! Ok my blog is not telling me when people are updating and I have really missed a lot! I was wondering where all the updates went!!
I love the costumes! It looks like they had a great time!!