A Journey To Remember

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chapel Dress

Today is Micayla's first Chapel. She has been waiting for this for a while. She has always heard about it from Deric and Aca and now she get's to experience it for herself! I can't wait to hear her comments on it ..


Angela said...

I couldn't bring myself to post the pictures of the girls in their chapel clothes. Belle looks like a little nerd with her shirt tucked in and no belt. I just can't send her in a belt b/c she can't do it herself. Oh well... I guess a little geekiness never hurt anyone.

The Foxes said...

Max was excited about chapel too. I can't wait to hear all about it. The uniforms make them look so grown up...it's hard to believe!

April, Steve & Lowery said...

Well you guys are all ahead of me - because I'm going to guess that none of you waited until YESTERDAY to go to Bella's and get your shirt. I've had everything else ready for weeks, but not the most important thing. And it was total chaos in Bella's yesterday - they said because of the new logo some of them didn't come in on time. I was lucky they had an XS, I walked out their with a thankful prayer that Lowery wouldn't have to call in sick the first week because she didn't have a chapel shirt!! They all looked precious and I know chapel is going to be a special time with them and the Lord!

Jill said...

Hey there! I found your blog through Kate Floyd!! So glad to keep up with you! Micayla looks so grown up in her Shiloh stuff!! Wow! What a cutie pie!